A Community of Care

Each September, Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center takes part in Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The goals of the yearly awareness campaign include recognizing the children and families affected by childhood cancers and emphasizing the importance of supporting research on these devastating conditions.

In 2019, Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s focused on the theme, “A Community of Care.” I was responsible for developing a website where videos showcasing patients, families, and friends describing their own communities of care could be featured. The page also offered advice on how you can support childhood cancer patients during a challenging time.

During the month of September, the site was the 4th most-viewed page on the Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s website. The page saw 1,554 pageviews and users spent an average of 8 minutes and 48 seconds on the site.

I was also responsible for Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Childhood Cancer Awareness Month social media campaign. I focused our efforts on Twitter, utilizing our @DFBC_PedCare account. In addition to sharing the link to our “A Community of Care” page, I also shared new research on childhood cancer, links to patient stories, and advice about how to cope with a childhood cancer diagnosis.

Throughout the month of September, I wrote and shared 163 tweets. The posts resulted in 93,227 impressions, 1,914 engagements, and 65 new followers.

View examples from the campaign: